Saturday, October 19, 2024

Prayers for deliverance from evil spirits

Prayers for deliverance from evil spirits

Warning: If you are expecting that the prayers for deliverance will be a simple abracadabra that will set you free from demons, you have no concept of the reality of spiritual warfare or the requirements. If you are serious about getting help, you should go to my co-walk website and progressively work through the discipleship series. Deliverance is a process, not a magic bullet.

However, the following prayers for deliverance should significantly lighten your load.

1: Spiritual Warfare Prayers to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

2: Spiritual Warfare Prayers to confess and renounce your sins and the sins of your forefathers.

3: Spiritual Warfare Prayers to forgive all who have sinned against you.

4: Spiritual Warfare Prayers to accept God’s forgiveness for your sins.

5: Spiritual Warfare Prayers to break Satanic or cult dedications or covenants.

 6: Spiritual Warfare Prayers for deliverance from demons and evil spirits.

7: Spiritual Warfare Prayers to ask Father God to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to empower you to do his will.

Spiritual Warfare Prayers for deliverance, to be prayed out loud:

(Note that it is not so much the words themselves that count, but rather the attitude of your heart.)

1. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

“Lord Jesus, I am a sinner and I need you. I confess that I tried to rule my own life and that I failed. Thank you that you paid for my sins on the cross.  I accept you now as my Lord and Savior. Please come into my life an make me the person that you want me to be.”

“Lord I now thank you, that according to our word, you have heard my prayer and have entered my life. Thank you that I don’t have to deserve my salvation, but that you have already paid for it. Thank you that I can now call myself a son of God.”

2. Confess and renounce your sins and the sins of your forefathers.

“Lord I now confess and renounce my sins and the sins of my parents and grandparents. [Be specific]   We followed our own ways and did not adhere to your guidelines for living nor to your plans for our lives. We did not honour you nor acknowledge you in our lives. Lord, I am sorry for what we have done and I ask that you forgive us and not hold us accountable for our sins.”

3. Forgive all who have sinned against you.

“Lord, I realize that if I don’t forgive my fellow man, that you will not forgive me. I now extend the same forgiveness to my fellow man that you have extended to me.” 

It is my choice to let go of the grudges and bitterness in my heart toward everyone [be specific] who has in any way hurt or harmed me. I will not hold their wrongs against them but will put it in your hands to deal with them as you see fit. Grant me the same love and compassion towards them that you have extended towards me. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

4. Accept God’s forgiveness for your sins.

“Lord I now thank you, that according to our word, you have heard my prayer and have forgiven our sins. Thank you that our sins are washed away by the precious blood of Jesus and that we can now enter your presence with boldness. You are a shield around me and the lifter of my head. Thank You. Amen”

prayers for deliverancePrayers of deliverance to break Satanic or cult dedications or covenants.

[Be specific]

1. “I renounce signing my name over to Satan or having my name signed over to Satan or any of his organizations.”

2. “I renounce any ceremony where I have been wed to Satan.”

3. “I renounce all blood covenants, pacts and dedications that I made with Satan and his false church or that were made on my behalf.”

4. “I reject and renounce all curses or satanic “blessings” made by me or on my behalf for the service of Satan.”

5. “I renounce all spirit guides, familiar spirits and spirits of divination in my life.”

6. “I renounce all Satanic baptisms and rituals that I underwent.”

7. “I renounce all spiritual guardians assigned to me by Satanists.”

8. “I renounce and reject all Satanic assignments to my life.”


1. “I declare that my name is written in the Book of Life, thereby annulling any other place my name is written.”

2. “I declare that I am the Bride of Christ.”

3. “I declare that in Christ I am part of the new covenant of God.”

4. “I declare that I trust only in the shed Blood of my Lord, Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross.”

5. “I declare that I will only look to the Holy Spirit and the word of God for guidance.”

6. “I declare that I have been baptized into Christ Jesus and that my identity is now in Christ.”

7. “I declare that God is my Heavenly Father and that his Holy Spirit is my guardian.”

8. “I declare that I will accept only God’s assignment for me.”

Spiritual Warfare Prayers for deliverance from demons and evil spirits.

[The success of this prayer will depend on your completion of the previous prayers]

“In the name of Jesus I now take authority over every familiar, unclean, evil, foul, perverse, lying, deceiving and seducing spirit and all spirits of infirmity, blindness, deafness and dumbness. Having confessed my sins and having been forgiven, I declare that you have no right or authority in my life. I declare that you are unwelcome and I renounce your works, your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts and you suggestions. I renounce you and everything that you stand for. In Jesus name I now loosen you from me and I command you to let go of me and depart from me. In Jesus name!”

Now ask Father God to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to empower you to do his will.

“According to your promise, Father God, I now pray that you would fill me with your precious Holy Spirit. Fill me with your love, joy, peace and righteousness. Empower me to do your will through the fruit and the gifts of your Spirit.  I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.”

Make use of these spiritual warfare prayers and get your life back on track.

Next: –  The Armour of God